Following the Coronavirus outbreak which has now been declared a worldwide pandemic, all at AFC Wembley have been monitoring its activity within the local community and the local grassroots sector.

After careful consideration and in the light of the Harrow Youth League suspending all competitive matches, we have made the decision to cancel all football related activity delivered by AFC Wembley until further notice. This includes all team training and development sessions.

Whilst we fully appreciate the responsibility we have in young people’s lives through our football services, we take the health and wellbeing of all we serve very seriously, this includes our coaches.

The advice from Government has now been updated and they are now advising that anyone with a high temperature or a new continuous cough self isolates:

·       for seven days if you live alone

·       14 days if you live with people – all people in the household should self isolate from the day the first person got symptoms 

You do not need go to your GP or call NHS 111.  Use the  NHS 111 online coronavirus  service if:

  • you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
  • your condition gets worse
  • your symptoms do not get better after 7 days

Stay safe.

AFC Wembley